FiftyTwoTwelve Fitness Studio was launched in January 2018. The studio is the brainchild of Phil Kelly, a cycling and rowing enthusiast with over 25 years experience in the leisure and fitness industry.
“I have always enjoyed participating in endurance based sports and have great memories of cycling races in the UK and in France. I’ve also participated in Triathlon, mountain bike racing, running up to half marathons. And I’ve competed at the British Indoor Rowing Championships.
“The advent of greater accessibility to indoor fitness equipment was revolutionary for peoples personal fitness. It has meant that anyone wanting to improve fitness for general wellbeing or specific sport has been able to do so much more easily.
“When people use facilities with good quality equipment, and can more easily access the kind of support and guidance we strive to provide, it is fantastic to see how much success they have in improving fitness and confidence. My goal for FiftyTwoTwelve is to combine hand-picked quality equipment with specialist knowledge. And in turn encourage members to achieve more than they ever have before with confidence.”
Phil Kelly